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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Home-made pancake 在家自制PANCAKE

PANCAKE~ 材料: MFM自发面粉=200g 鸡蛋=2粒 鲜奶=220ml 幼糖=50g 油=1又1/2 小汤匙 馅料=红豆沙,花生酱,巧克力酱,蜜糖 都可以。。 做法; 1.将全部材料混合搅匀。 2.休面糊约20~30分钟。 3.用不粘锅,以小火。。倒入一汤匙的面糊。 4.煎至表面起泡泡(如图),翻面,再将底部煎熟即可。 PANCAKE ~ Materials: MFM = 200g self-raising flour Eggs = 2 Fresh milk= 220ml caster sugar= 50g Oil = 1 1/2 small spoon filling= Red bean, peanut butter, chocolate sauce, honey can be. . Practices; One would mix all ingredients and stir well. 2 Hugh batter about 20 to 30 minutes. 3 with a non-stick pan over low heat. . Pour a tablespoon of batter. 4 fry until bubbles from the surface (as shown), turn it over, and then at the bottom can be cooked source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1399659670256859

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