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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RON92, 95, and 97 petrol compatibility for Malaysia's local and foreign cars

I dun really know about cars. Usually I just know when to go to workshop for regular maintenance, get the correct tires pressure and pump the right petrol. I found this from someone's blog regarding the compatibility of RON92, 95, and 97 for Malaysia's local and foreign cars.

Background: Malaysia is phasing out RON92 and start to introduce RON95. RON95 will be the price of RON97's price but RON97 will be increase. From the chart I can see all local cars can take RON92-97, so no problem there. It is just the matter of you want to get vroom, VROOM, or VROOM on your car only. :P

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

skim-cepat-kaya for the boss

Another prank call today. This round is to ask to buy a discount card, called 'citytrendz' or 'citytrans' something like that.
They didn't ask to buy at first, what that fella said is 'we are giving away' discount card for active mastercard/visa card members only, and it is for whole life, and you will get discount for booking hotel and free waive admin fee when booking air flight such as AirAsia and MAS (wait a minute, admin fee is waived already, how am I going to waive again?) haha, then I ask how much? the fella said only RM250. OIC, then I just bluff that I don't even have the money to buy Milo, and reject him. :P
Another skim cepat kaya"(get-rich-scheme), but not for you all or the caller, but for the boss of this scheme.

I just chui sui only, why you care? :P